“Then He said to me… ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.’ ”—Zechariah 4:6
The setting for this word which the Lord sent through His prophet, was Israel’s return from exile in Babylon. Now, the reason why Israel had been captured by their enemies and sent into exile had to do with their spiritual condition, though the problem looked to be a political one. God chose to use a godless nation, Babylon, to bring a strong hand of discipline to judge His chosen people for their willful disobedience and idolatry. That is, they had replaced their devotion to God with worldly ideas and distractions.
Much like today! How long do we have in the U.S.A. before the Lord decides to discipline our nation with a strong hand? He might use another world power to get our attention, or He may choose to send natural disasters, or other godless people to bring calamity. What God desires from His people, the church, is for us to declare His glory to the nations. We’re not doing that, are we? Many of us don’t even think it’s important to bring Him up in our everyday conversations with the people He puts in our path.
We know full well that our nation has increasingly followed a path of unbelief and sinfulness, where more and more people choose to neglect or deny God altogether. My hope and prayer is that we, as people who have experienced His salvation, will repent of our complacency and indifference to His Great Commission. That we would return to Him with our whole heart. I pray that you and I would declare the wonderful truth of His salvation. His amazing grace and mercy which found us while we were still lost in our sins.
While so many Christians today watch in frustration as our nation continues to wander farther and farther away from God, let us remember: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord, our God! (Psalm 20:7) Like Israel when they returned from their captivity in Israel, God’s people must remember that our problem as a nation is not going to be solved with political parties or strength in numbers. Because our problem is spiritual in nature. The U.S.A. needs to return to God.